The original scene in Veach97
My modeling skills are so terrible that I don't bother to hurt people's eye with a self modeling scene. The model courtesy:
left: path tracing with 36 spp
right:bidirectional path tracing with 25 spp
(around the same rendering time)
This scene is almost like incurable cancer for unidirectional path tracing to converge. On the other side, bidirectional path tracing shows really promising result with less amount of the sample (around the same rendering time though, we do a lot more occlusion test in bidirectional scenario compare to path tracing). Even we crank sample up to something crazy:
left: path tracing with 10000 spp
right: bidirectional path tracing with 6400 spp
(around the same rendering time)
path tracing is still noisy while bdpt pretty looks pretty clean already. The following image shows the unweighted contribution of all the different strategies (yes, it is a tribute to original paper too :) )
And the following image shows the weighted contribution of all the different strategies:
And a clean render with larger resolution using bdpt:
I'll try to be honest though, even the bdpt roughly get implemented step by step according to the original paper. There are still a considerable amount of TODO in the list that should be get in there
When a bug goes unnoticed during a presentation
1. The dipole style BSSRDF does not work in bidirectional path tracing right now. As my earlier post mentioned: dipole integration is an area+solid angle 4 dimensional integration compare to regular bsdf 2 dimensional integration. Whether dipole integration work, how does it work, how to combine...this all remains pretty vague to me still. I have a feeling that the true volume integration style subsurface scattering can integrated with bdpt better, but that is just a guess still.
2. Volume integration does not work in bidirectional path tracing right now. I can't even say my unidirectional path tracing volume integration is in complete stage now (it does work for homogeneous volume, but that's it, and it's a single scattering ray marching model....). There are some resource talking about the bidirectional path tracing volume integration But just be frank, it's not in the current version of implementation.
3. Image based lighting does not work in bidirectional path tracing right now. My unidirectional implementation contains something I felt clever back in that time but kind of regret at this moment: it does mipmap selection based on the solid angle pdf (based on this article ) The implementation converge faster compare to the naive 2D cdf version, but it also causes bias while changing the sampling number. Before I fixed this biased implementation, I have no plan to move on to get it supported in bidirectional path tracing.
4. Normal/Bump map shading normal cause incorrect result in the current bidirectional path tracing. This is actually stated in Veach97 actually spend a whole chapter talking about this (Chapter5 The Sources of Non-Symmetric Scattering) The implementation should be pretty straightforward but I just didn't put into it yet.
5. Chapter 10.4 Reducing the number of visibility tests is skipped totally at this moment.
6. Better s=1 case handling. In unidirectional path tracing, there are some clever ways to optimize local direct lighting samples when we are aware of the intersection geom information (for example, the lighting samples from back side of the geometry can totally be ignored) The current implementation doesn't support this at all. It will require some pdf tweaks also as Veach97 stated in )
The bdpt journey was quite fun and challenging alone the way, it forces me to brush up lots of math topics that I though I understood but actually not. It did really impress me about how math/algorithm plays an important role in the rendering side (even strong as Disney Hyperion, they did mention they would try to avoid indoor indirect lighting in production shot if possible) bdpt doesn't look like a really coherent algorithm if just using the naive implementation (I think this is the debate happen in that first post when WETA/Disney hold different opinions on the rendering architecture design), and it would be really see if the future research would spend time optimize it in a coherent way. :)